Migration: Statement or Question

Migration and Migrant is not a word but a sentence/statement and a question too. But literally, migration simply refers to movement from one place to another for various reasons which may include education, health, livelihood and so. And Migrant refers to any person who lives temporarily or permanently in a country where he or she was not born and has acquired some significant social ties to this country. However, this may be a very narrow definition but in particular there is very thin line difference between Migrant and Migrant Workers.

According to UN Convention of the Rights of Migrants, Migrant Workers is defined as a ” Person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activities in a State of he or she is not a national.

And Migrants is defined as ” Persons who are outside the territory of the State of which their nationals or citizens are not subject to its legal protection and are in the territory of another State”.

While international migrant and migration can be categorized in various categories which includes:

  • Highly Skilled and Business Migrants
  • Temporary Labour Migrants/Guest Workers/Overseas Contract Workers
  • Irregular Migrants/Undocumented or Illegal Migrants (some people say)
  • Family members/Family Reunion/Family Reunification Migrants
  • Forced and Displaced Migrants
  • Returnee Migrants

In context of Nepal, Nepal is a one of the biggest labour sending country and almost every second household has international migrants and everyday thousands of Nepalese youth move from Nepal to Gulf Countries.

Almost Every Nepalese youth are so desperate for migration but point to be noted that every time the reason is not poverty or to earn for livelihood. The trend of misconception has been developed that within Nepal no youth can engage in a work that can suffice their needs and standards.

Remarking the fact that at present the economy of Nepal is heavily dependent on labour migration, Nepal is actively playing its role to make Nepalese International Migrants and Migration Safe, Orderly, Regular and responsible migration.

Taking consideration, Nepal is suffering from Labour Crises, it is now a big issue for all Nepalese CSO’s, Stakeholders and Government to fulfill the crises and have proper migration management system.

But now, time is changing and hope that the upcoming Global Compact on Migration, the forum like GFMD, PGA, ADD, Colombo Process would come up with specific outcomes so that all the issues can be addressed to all.